About this site

This website was created by the London Museum in partnership with London Metropolitan Archives, Guildhall Art Gallery and the Monument to mark the 350th anniversary of the Fire of London in 2016. It also contains material from seven other heritage organisations. Use this site as your one-stop site for everything you’ll ever need to know about the 1666 Great Fire of London.


The site was made possible by generous funding from both Arts Council England and the City of London Corporation.

Design and development

The main website was built by Logirix and designed by Fabrique. The Fire of London game was built by fish in a bottle. The three maps used as the backgrounds were adapted and geo-located by MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology).

The JavaScript 360 spin on this site is created by Magic 360.


If you’d like to contact us with feedback or enquiries about this site please email us: [email protected].